DIY KITS GALLERY2021-10-13T15:29:48+00:00

Need a creative outlet at home? Something for all family members from little kids to adults to do that is fun, therapeutic, creative and gadget free? Our Make-at-Home DIY Kits will hit the mark. These are packages complete with all you need to make your own creations at home! Have endless fun at home making a beautiful arty creation, or give as a fantastic gift.

Have a look at our catalogue for over 150 designs.

Catalogue of Templates

1. Mosaic Kits

These come as kits with pieces ready cut OR requiring cutters. Indoor and Outdoor mosaic options available. 

2. Bead Mosaic Kits

These come as kits with beads (no cutting required).

3. Crystal Art Kits

These come as kits with beads (no cutting required).

4. Treasure Chest/Jewellery Making Kits

These come as kits with beads (no cutting required).

5. Hanging Décor

These come as kits with beads to decorate and to thread onto the chain (no cutting required).

6. Flowers & Bling Kits

These come as kits with flowers/beads/tiles (no cutting required).

7. Wooden Toy Kits

These come as kits with beads (no cutting required).

This gallery is just a small selection of the designs available, we have over 150 mosaic designs – look at the catalogue.

If you would like a custom-made kit please contact us to discuss at or text us on 0425 761 914.

You can also order just the templates without the kit if you choose.