Our studio is open to the public to come and make a glass mosaic – or any of our craft activities – any day of the week, Monday – Sunday from 10am – 5pm, although on Saturdays and Sundays prior bookings are essential as we often close the studio (from the public) for private parties and full day workshops.
1. Casual Sessions for Kids
Merryl’s Mosaics is open daily, 10am – 5pm, to anyone who wants to come along and have some creative fun. All our holiday program activities are offered throughout the year as well. So if you are looking for a fun and creative activity to do with your child, or to send your child to (7+ can attend without an adult) – we have the perfect solution. Ideal if your child’s school holidays are not in sync with other school holidays, or if your child’s school has a Student-free day. Perfect for adult/child bonding, and great for an activity with a grandparent/aunt/special adult in the child’s life – from 4 years +. We offer mosaic, bead mosaic, glass fusing, jewellery making and other craft activities that are great fun for a one-off 2.5 hr session. Our casual sessions are the same as what we offer during school holidays, but you can attend during the term or on weekends when it suits. We are open daily from 10am – 5pm and children can attend whenever it suits. Weekend attendance is on a booking basis only as we often have parties or workshops on weekends. Because we are offering a variety of craft activities, it is easier to call or email to book in and let us know what your child would like to do. To see all our options, click on the Holiday Programs Tab on the RHS. The offering and pricing is the same.
Come and give it a go! Your child will love it!
2. Casual Sessions for Adults
Merryl’s Mosaics is open to the public to come and make a one-off mosaic. No experience is necessary. Just book in, and come and have a fun and creative time making a mosaic! Mosaicing is creative, meditative, therapeutic and satisfying and enables unique expression. In this hands-on mosaic session, you will be taken through all the steps of making a mosaic.
For a one-off session, we have over 100 templates that have been created especially to enable completion in the session, for example a picture frame, a dragonfly, lizard or seahorse.
We also have larger or more detailed pieces that take 2 or more sessions, for example a mandala, a house number, or a mosaic of your Sign of the Zodiac. And we also offer even larger designs which can take 4 or more sessions. Some examples of these include a peacock, a dreamcatcher, parrot, or bird bath.
For those of you making larger designs and wishing to attend more than one session, pick your first day and we will schedule your additional date/s at the session. Or you can attend on an hourly basis of $25 per hour to complete. We are open 7 days a week.
Choose your template, then select your glass and colour scheme. Then learn how to cut your tiles, create your design, and stick onto the board. Finally, grout your piece and voila – you have made your first mosaic.
All tools and materials supplied. Additional specialty glass can be used if desired and purchased at the studio. However, this is not necessary as you will get a fantastic range of glass for your piece.
Making a mosaic is a calming and mindful experience. This, together with being creative, social and relaxing, makes it a unique experience where you can enjoy the simple pleasure of making your mosaic.
You can attend your casual class alongside your friends, children or other family members. Group books and Private Bookings are welcomed.
Come along and experience the magic of mosaic! You will love it!
To book
1. Click on Casual Sessions on the right hand side.
2. Or email merryl@merrylsmosaics.com.au
3. Or text or call us 0425 761 914